Tapping SneakerBernt Weenie Sandwidch LogoTapping Sneaker

Who is Frank
Meet The Band
Dates Past/Future

Help Wanted

Are you a musician looking for a challenge? Do you have the chops it takes to play the really hard stuff? Do you have the passion and drive to learn outrageously hard music? Are you prepared to spend countless hours sitting with your instrument learning the music that Frank created? Then you probably should be touring the country playing professionally with a real band. But if for some reason you are not, then come join us.

We are looking for musicians in the Jacksonville area to join our group. We practice one to two nights a week for about two hours a night. We are looking for:

If you play any of these instruments and you are interested, drop us a line at Burntweeniesand@aol.com . Give us your first and last name, name of the instrument you play, and a phone number where we can reach you. Tell us a little about yourself. We will give you a call and arrange an audition. We look forward to hearing from you

Questions or comments? Please send your e-mail to:Burntweeniesand@aol.com.